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Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Unipal: Day 1 Kathmandu

The tour officially starts today.  We were to meet up at Hotel Manaslu, for the tour briefing at 5pm.  Some of our riders had already been there for several days, but many of us were arriving in the afternoon/evening, or transferring from elsewhere in Kathmandu.  Hotel Manaslu was quite a nice hotel, a couple of kilometers from the tourist district of Thamel.

Tour briefing was an enormous affair.  Our tour leaders were Blair Coburn and Jason Williams from Grasshopper Adventures; but we also had local Nepali guides- Ankit, Dawa and Mingma; as well as 15 porters who would join us at the start of the trek. In total, we would have 50 riders and support crew on tour!

Jason and Blair gave us a rundown on the route, riding conditions, health and safety and other logistical issues.  Ken distributed the Unipal T-shirts (much to his relief), and we then headed to a restaurant down the road for our first meal together.

Dinner was entertaining, with some Nepali dances and music to liven up the atmosphere.  Our last riders to arrive- Chris and Tom, finally made it after flight delays, just in time for their Dhal Bhat.

We were all set for the tour!

Unipal: ride to Bhaktapur

We set out to the historic town of Bakhtapur, one of Kathmandu Valley’s three Malla Kingdoms before they were conquered and united by Prithvi Narayan Shah in 1768.

It was an interesting ride, winding through the streets of Kathmandu. From chicken and livestock, to a noisy Easter parade, to men carrying leather sofa chairs and assorted loungeroom furniture in busy traffic , you are never quite sure what you will see on the road.

When we finally arrived in Bhaktapur we were instant celebrities, with a crowd of a dozen or so kids (and adults) following us everywhere.  It made sightseeing somewhat challenging but we gave them all a demonstration before we left. Anna brought out Johnny, her little boy puppet, and gave the locals an impromptu puppet show. Bhaktapur is famous for puppet making, and Anna walked away with not one, not two, but three Nepali puppets!

After getting back to the hotel, we were met by Ramesh Chandra, probably Nepals only mountain unicyclist. Ramesh works as a bicycle tour guide, and heard about our tour from his friend who had seen us riding out to Patan yesterday.  He unicycled for an hour an a half just to meet us!  Hopefully we will meet up again on the Annapurna Circuit as he sets off tomorrow to guide a small bicycle tour group through the area.

—Anna and Ken

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Unipal: ride to Patan

Sean, Anna and Ken rode out to Kathmandu’s neighbouring city, Patan, today. Following the ‘scenic’ route, we find ourselves riding through thick gloopy mud, dusty dirt roads, and negotiating crazy traffic intent on seeing who can beep the loudest. We got lost on more than several occasions, but luckily had the GPS handy.

We made it to Durbar (Palace) square in Patan, marveling at all the intricately carved wooded pillars and doorways.  On the way back we weaved our way through quaint little backstreets leading to Kathmandu’s own Durbar square. There are several Durbar squares in Kathmandu Valley, as neighbouring Kingdoms competed with one another before they were amalgamated.

After the ride, Anna and Ken headed over to Dilibazaar to meet up with Ken’s host family from his time as an elective medical student at Kanti Children’s Hospital back in 2002. It was fantastic to catch up after so many years and enjoy Rama’s cooking again!

—Anna and Ken

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Unipal: Anna and Ken’s Kathmandu Adventures

We arrived yesterday in Kathmandu, and checked in to our hotel in Thamel before exploring on foot. Nepalese traffic is even crazier than I remember,  but we managed to make our way to dinner before heading to the Garden of Dreams…a very picturesque garden in the middle of Kathmandu.

This morning was spent riding up yo Swayambunath…the Monkey Temple, which overlooks the city. After a few nervous starts in the Anna was able to negotiate the narrow windy streets and busy traffic up to the temple.  As its name implied…it is full of monkeys. Hold on to your valuables, we saw one monkey steal candy from a baby girl, leaving her in tears.  That aside, it was well worth the effort,  with a sweeping panorama of the city, framed by prayer flags.

We spent an epic afternoon walking to Pashupatinath. ..one of the holiest sites in Kathmandu,  where many families cremate their dead on open pyres along the banks of the Bagmati River.

We have more exploring tomorrow before meeting up with my host family from 2002, who I stayed with as a medical student.

–Ken and Anna

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Unipal: One week before we fly to Kathmandu!

We will be using the Adventure Unicyclist blog to post about our adventures on Unipal, the Himalayas Unicycle Tour. Anna and Ken will be one of the first to arrive in Kathmandu, on 2 April, so we will get to look around before the rest of the group.

This user profile will be used by all the Unipal riders to update you on our tour.

Safe travels everyone!

—Anna and Ken



Unipal: 2 months and counting

Here’s a sneak peek at our T-shirt

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Absolute final

Vietnam to Cambodia by Unicycle- OXFAM Cycle Challenge 2004

This was what kicked off my interest in Unicycle Touring, and inspired this website.  Back in 2003, I heard about a charity challenge being put together by OXFAM.  A group of bicyclists (and one unicyclist!) spent a year fundraising for OXFAM in Cambodia.  We cycled from Saigon to Siem Reap, having a lot of fun visiting our sponsored OXFAM project along the way.


James Anderson Unicycling in Mongolia

Here is a pretty neat video of James Anderson, a unicyclist currently teaching in Mongolia, riding unicycle trials in Ulaan Bator.

Those of us who came on the Monguni Tour will be familiar with the setting!

Unicon 17: The 17th Unicycle World Championships and Convention

KenI’ve just returned from Montreal, Canada after competing at the 17th Unicycle World Championships and Convention, or Unicon.  This is the biggest event in unicycling, with over 1100 competitors from 34 countries taking part in the 2 yearly event.  We had a small team from New Zealand, with myself competing in the distance racing events.

It was a fairly successful Unicon.  The standard has improved every year since I attended my first one in Tokyo 2004 (Unicon 12), and since my marathon world title in Switzerland 2006.  It is good to be competitive 10yrs after your first one.

I decided to race standard class (with limits on wheelsize and gearing), to try a new challenge and to get back to the basics of why I enjoy unicycling.  Since  2004, we have seen the emergence of everything from geared hubs to disc brakes and handlebars.  It is getting ridiculous having to lug a heavy 36″ geared unicycle to the other side the world…I got into unicycling because of the elegance and simplicity.  A bike is faster, weighs less, and has ten times as many gear ratios, so I have no reason to ride a clunky geared unicycle for pleasure.

My first serious race was the 10km standard (24″ wheel, 125mm cranks).  This was run as a criterium next to the Olympic Park in Montreal.  The 10km standard is fast and furious with top riders revving their unicycles to well over 180rpm.  I had a slow start, but gradually crept up the field to sit behind two French brothers (Adrien and Jerome Caire), and two lead riders (Noah Leber and Christoph Hartmann) well ahead.  It was a fun tactical race with me drafting the riders trying to figure out how I’m going to win the race for third.  I rolled out of the final corner first, but it came down to a sprint to the line with Adrien Caire edging ahead for third place.  So a fourth place finish but an age group gold medal (30-39yrs) for my ever first standard race, and under the 30min mark with a time of 29min 24s.

The next big race for me was the cross country, but with a course set up more for downhill riders, I was happy to pace other riders for a mid-field finish.  A bit of a disappointment as most riders ended up walking 30-40% of the course.  The setting at Mt Tremblant was amazing though- it’s a ski village about 2hrs drive from Montreal.  I enjoyed the views and the delicious ice-creams instead.

What the cross-country lacked was made up entirely by the Cyclocross race.  It was set in the park next to the track racing, which meant lots of bumpy grass, a couple of short sharp climbs and some stairs to content with.   The coolest thing is the twirly whirly spiral at the centre of the course- it took several laps to nail it smoothly.  The Le Mans style start was fun, but again I had a slow start with at least 10 riders ahead on the first lap.  I gradually picked them off one by one, until I was sure I was in third place, chasing Czech rider Jakub Rulf, but crossed the line only to find another rider (Johannes Gabbert) had finished 2secs ahead…if only I’d known!  So another fourth placing but good enough for another age group (30-39yrs) gold.

The last and final race for me was the Marathon standard (700c wheel).  A last minute course change meant the race was shifted from the city to the Formula 1 race track on Île Notre-Dame, a man-made island on the St Lawrence  river in Montreal.  As you can imagine, this made for very fast racing with an almost entirely flat course and sweeping corners.  Although hills are more my thing, I was thrilled with this 4.3km course.

The start went a little bit better this time, I was in the lead group off the line.  The great thing with standard racing is that girls are almost competitive with guys, particularly on flat courses, because it comes down to cadence.  It doesn’t matter what gender you are, so long as you can pedal fast!  And that’s what we found, with one of the Japanese girls riding 65mm cranks opening up a gap with another Japanese girl, a German rider (Rolf Leonhardt) and myself in the chase group.  We caught her after three laps, and then settled into a good rhythm.  I was losing a lot of time on the corners, so I focused on cutting a good line through each turn.  By the 7th lap, I noticed Rolf had slowed, so I attacked and immediately opened up a gap.  Unfortunately the only thing I succeeded in doing was drop the Japanese (Asahi and Nanami Takada), with Rolf chasing back onto my wheel.  By the final lap I knew I was in trouble, as Rolf can sprint very well (he races track).  We rounded the last corner with Rolf gapping me, a little early and I caught him a few hundred metres from the line, but he went again and won the Marathon championship title by fraction of a second!  So a silver medal for me and yet another age group (30-39) gold.

It was one of my favourite Unicons, and I enjoyed seeing Montreal with my mum who came as support crew!  We ended up buying a few too many bottles of Maple syrup so feel free to drop by my place for waffles and pancakes if you’re in town.

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Good luck to Team NZUNI at next months UNICON. Here is a sneak preview at their team shirt!

