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Unipal: ride to Patan

Sean, Anna and Ken rode out to Kathmandu’s neighbouring city, Patan, today. Following the ‘scenic’ route, we find ourselves riding through thick gloopy mud, dusty dirt roads, and negotiating crazy traffic intent on seeing who can beep the loudest. We got lost on more than several occasions, but luckily had the GPS handy.

We made it to Durbar (Palace) square in Patan, marveling at all the intricately carved wooded pillars and doorways.  On the way back we weaved our way through quaint little backstreets leading to Kathmandu’s own Durbar square. There are several Durbar squares in Kathmandu Valley, as neighbouring Kingdoms competed with one another before they were amalgamated.

After the ride, Anna and Ken headed over to Dilibazaar to meet up with Ken’s host family from his time as an elective medical student at Kanti Children’s Hospital back in 2002. It was fantastic to catch up after so many years and enjoy Rama’s cooking again!

—Anna and Ken

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  • Graham Chaffey

    April 5th, 2015

    Anna, Ken, Sean, Scott, Gaetano, Nathan:
    Full of envy here in workaday Blue Mountains, Australia. I hope to join you on a Muni tour one day! Sadly my partner doesn’t want to ride a unicycle! (Can you believe that??) But she might agree to come along on one of those newfangled things with TWO wheels. Thanks for posting, giving me vicarious adventuring and inspiring muni training so hopefully my skills will be up to joining you all one year.
    Yours Universally

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