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Coldplay Musician Chris Martin Unicycling in Africa

We could think of better unicycles to ride than a 20″, but it’s not often you get Adventure Unicycling featured in a music video.

Check it out, about 2 minutes into the clip:


Time-Trial Unicycle

Spot the real unicyclist!

Photo courtesy of Sam Wakeling (24hr World Record Unicyclist)

Riding to Gibraltar on one wheel…

Matt Downing made a final 135km ride into Gibraltar today, after over 3000km in the saddle:

“I wake up early with the strange feeling knowing the trip would be over before I’m next asleep. I say goodbye to the others who are awake at the Hostel and head off by the sea. The roads then become absolutely crazy so I take to the fields climbing fences over and under, and am covered in dirt.”

Read about the inspirational journey on Matt’s blog

Congratulations Matt!

Tony Meltons Radio New Zealand interview

A very interesting interview of Tony Melton during the Yunnan Unicycle Tour, with heaps of stuff about unicycle touring in general.

Definitely worth a listen:

Radio New Zealand Unitour Interview

One Wheel Across Europe

Matt Downing takes to the roads of Paris and Spain on one wheel to raise money for charity.

“Starting in Calais and ending in Gibraltar he will traverse the entire trip on a Unicycle. That’s roughly 2000 miles! He expects to meet many people along the way and ask them nicely to contribute to his cause – raising money for Cancer research UK.”

Check out Matts Blog:


And of course, support his cause:


Crossing the Alps on a Unicycle

David Weichenberger, Lutz Eichholz and Stephanie Dietze spend 13 days riding entirely off-road to cross the Alps in Austria and Germany.

Check out this special CNN ireport: Crossing the Alps on a Unicycle


The AU riders from our latest Unitour- Yunnanuni, in China’s Yunnan Province, finished their ride today.  They unicycled over 500km from the Tibetan mountain town of Shangri-La, through the beautiful Tiger Leaping Gorge, to finish in Dali.  Check out some amazing photos on the Yunnanuni Website: http://yuni.adventureunicyclist.com


Jai Caorthann rides 1000 miles around Ireland

Congratulations Jai!

Jai Caorthann completed his 1000 mile circumnavigation of Ireland today, after 3 weeks of unicycling through some of the most beautiful parts of the world. Read about it on his blog: http://onewheeloneisland.wordpress.com/

One-Leg, One-Wheel!

Something to motivate you to unicycle.  This is the first documented video of a below knee-amputee riding a unicycle.  Joe Savala from the US shows us how it’s done: