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Archive for the ‘News’ Category

3 Oceans Unicycle Tour

Yes, that crazy man who unicycled across India is at it again.  Sid Rajan is riding across Australia as part of his honours thesis.  Having just recently ridden across Tasmania as part of the Tasmania Unicycle Tour, Sid will be taking on the rest of Australia in a test of endurance.

“The aim of this research project is to arrive at a deeper understanding of the embodied experience of long distance cycle touring in relation to the space-time dimension of the experience.”

Sounds like an incredibly painful experiment to me! The tour will take place in June-July 2009.  Folllow his journey here: 3 Oceans Unicycle Tour Website

Sid in Laos

Good luck Sid!

Tasmania Unicycle Tour 14-18 April

The Tasmania Unicycle Tour is underway with 7 unicyclists led by 14yr old Aubin Gill taking part.

Follow their epic 330km journey around Tasmania, from Launcheston to Hobart!



New articles online

We’ve added a couple of articles on Adventure Unicyclist.  Both are related to concepts which are slowly creeping into unicycling.

The first article is about setting up unicycles more like bicycles…particularly for road riding.  The reasoning is that as unicyclists start riding faster and over longer distances, the most comfortable set-up is one refined over a century by our two wheeled cousins.  There is already vigorous debate on the forums and many new designs coming forth.  Read about it here: Road Unicycle Set-up and T7 Modification.

The other article is also something that we are starting to have to think more about, unicycle gearing.  As technology improves, it becomes more difficult for beginners to figure out concepts like gearing when there are multiple factors involved.  Klaas Bil, a unicyclist from Holland, has devised a way to think about unicycle gearing which I found quite interesting.  Read about it here: Total Gear Ratio.

Upcoming articles: Packing a unicycle for travelling

Team Rollercoaster: Panama Expedition

Congratulations to Team Rollercoaster: Vince Lemay, Steve Relles, Roland Kays, Brad Stratton, and Perry Woodin, who are about to embark on an Adventure Unicycle ride across Panama, from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean.

These riders are the winners of the inaugral Kris Holm Evolution of Balance award, given to the most difficult, creative, and remote mountain unicycling adventure annually.

Watch out for plenty of jungle unicycling action to follow!

Team Rollercoaster Expedition Website

Merry Christmas!

Hi everyone,

This will be the last AU post for the year.  Ok, there hasn’t been many, but we only got going again not long ago.

I hope Santa has been good to you all, and brought many unicycle parts to fill your Christmas stockings with.  Failing that, get a copy of the latest Unicycle Magazine.  There is a 2010 calender with a couple of photos from Adventure Unicyclist.  What better way to plan out your unicycling year?  Oh, and there’s an Ken Looi interview in there too 😉

I’m off on a ride, and to work of some of that excess Christmas pudding.  Just think, if the fat guy learnt how to unicycle, the reindeer would have less to carry and there would be fewer carbon emissions.

Have a very Merry Christmas from all of us at Adventure Unicyclist!

See you again next year.

Ken and the AU team

1000km across the roof of the World

Another epic journey completed by unicycle.  This time it’s Steve Colligan, a pretty well known unicyclist from the UK.  Steve has ridden 1100km, with 12,000m of climbing, and 15,000m of descent, from Lhasa in Tibet to Kathmandu in Nepal.  This gruelling challenge was to raise money for a charity in Nepal.

Read all about it on Steve’s Website: Unicycle Steve

The writeup and photos are on this RSU thread

Well done Steve!

Around the world by Skateboard

It’s ironic that one of the first updates on the new Adventure Unicyclist website is about something other than Adventure Unicycling. However, a friend of mine sent me a link to Rob Thomsons website:

14 Degrees off the Beaten Track

I had a quick look and found myself spending the best part of an hour browsing through some pretty cool pictures and stories of his 12,000km journey around the world….by Skateboard!

Maybe someone could convince him to ditch a few wheels.

Adventure Unicyclist…we’re back (kind of!)

Alright, for those of you who have been waiting for this, I’m slowly getting there. The original Adventure Unicyclist website was cranked out in MS Frontpage, without me really knowing what I was doing. But it seemed to work (even if I used Comic Sans Serif font!). It was taken down last year in preparation for a brand spanking new AU site, but due to various circumstances arising, that rather expensive project is permanently mothballed.

Adventureunicyclist.com was my personal website, but I’m turning it into a general website for MUni, Unicycle Touring and all things unicycling and adventure related. My personal website is now on www.kenlooi.net

In the meantime I’m going to throw everything I have into wordpress (because it’s quick and easy). In fact so easy I’ll probably keep AU on WordPress until I get around to redesigning the site proper. I will migrate most of the old AU site content onto here, and also add some articles and tutorials on Adventure Unicycling you might find useful and hopefully entertaining.

Check out our upcoming Induni Unicycle Tour in 2009

Ride on!

Ken Looi