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New articles online

We’ve added a couple of articles on Adventure Unicyclist.  Both are related to concepts which are slowly creeping into unicycling.

The first article is about setting up unicycles more like bicycles…particularly for road riding.  The reasoning is that as unicyclists start riding faster and over longer distances, the most comfortable set-up is one refined over a century by our two wheeled cousins.  There is already vigorous debate on the forums and many new designs coming forth.  Read about it here: Road Unicycle Set-up and T7 Modification.

The other article is also something that we are starting to have to think more about, unicycle gearing.  As technology improves, it becomes more difficult for beginners to figure out concepts like gearing when there are multiple factors involved.  Klaas Bil, a unicyclist from Holland, has devised a way to think about unicycle gearing which I found quite interesting.  Read about it here: Total Gear Ratio.

Upcoming articles: Packing a unicycle for travelling

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