Archive for the ‘Events’ Category
Unipal 2015: The Nepal Himalayas Unitour
Announcing…the long awaited Himalayas Unicycle Tour. Open to anyone who can ride off road on a unicycle.
Nepal is home to 8 of the worlds 14 mountains over 8000m, so what better place for our next AU/Grasshopper tour than the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal?
Dates: 6 April to 17 April 2015 (with optional 4 day extension to 21 April 2015)
Cost: US $1640 (+US$400 for optional 4 day extension)
Closes: 31 August 2014
For more info…go to the Unipal page on AU.
This is a proper off-road trek, but check out our last trip to the Himalayas in 2009 (West Bengal):
Unistan: Unicycling the Silk Road, Uzbekistan
Here is the long awaited slideshow of the first ever unicycle tour of Uzbekistan. Watch as we travel the Silk Road, through ancient cities, over mountains and desert.
Unistan: The Uzbekistan Unicycle Tour video
Another beautiful video shot by Nicola Cassanelli. He shows off our recent Adventure Unicyclist tour of Uzbekistan.
You’ll enjoy this!
Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge 2013: on a Standard 24″/125mm unicycle!
Another year and another chance to ride around Lake Taupo! This is New Zealands biggest cycling event, with 9-10,000 riders making the annual pilgrimage. The picturesque 160km circuit takes in 1650m of climbing and descending as it circumnavigates NZs biggest lake in an anticlockwise direction. This would be my 10th Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge, with 7 completed laps on a unicycle, and 2 ‘enduro’ events (2 laps/320km) on my road bike. My fastest time to date was 7hrs43min on a 36″ ungeared unicycle with 110mm cranks.
I thought I would do something different for a change, and instead of pushing a 36″ Uni with/without gears, I’d go back to something a little more traditional, a standard racing unicycle.
The IUF ‘standard’ which is used for track racing and the 10km standard races at Unicon, has a maximal wheel diameter of 618mm and maximal crank length of 125mm. It means that everyone in these races compete on the same gear ratio. The idea is that performance is dependent on the rider and not the equipment.
What I also like about this setup is it’s simplicity. Each year something new is bolted to my race unicycle- gears, handlebars, hydraulic rim brakes and then disc brakes…it was nice to ditch the 8kg boat anchor in favour of a 3kg standard racer. It might not go as fast, but it rides like a unicycle, not a tractor with gears.
The weapon of choice was a Quax Black Witch with Nimbus 92mm hub, and the original NNC Flatfish carbon saddle:
Anyway, back to the topic of racing. I was in Group 9 (the slow group!), which meant a far too early start at 6am. Porridge and bananas were shoveled into the fuel tank (along with 2 pre-race coffees!)
I was surprised at the size of the group, but the more the merrier! Bryan Page was at the startline with me, on his Schlumpf 36″. He was teamed up with Eric Pulvermacher to do 80km each in a relay. Andrew Frazer, who holds the Penny Farthing record for Taupo, was also there, as well as several recumbents and handcycles. I was plastered in sunscreen despite the fact it was supposed to be cloudy.
The race begins with a short dip before a long gradual climb. As soon as we hit the climb I started passing bikes. Lots of them. The standard uni is perfect for spinning your way up a hill, and I was pleased to find myself at the front of almost all the group 9 starters by the time we hit our first downhill. This undulating 60km section of the course rolled generally in an upwards direction, so I maintained a good position despite having bikes whizzing past at every little descent. I had passed Bryan early on the climb, and was trying my best to stay ahead until the course flattened out.
To my surprise, I hit the 10km mark in 31min, which was not quite my 10km race pace; but it was mostly uphill and I wasn’t exactly revving the engine. I backed off a bit and and hit the 20km marker in 64min, which was still giving me a comfortable 18km/hr average speed. I was aiming to come in under 10hrs, and preferably 9 1/2hrs.
The next few 10km markers went by at roughly the same 33min pace, although I was starting to feel the effects of spinning a unicycle very fast with little resistance! I went through the 80km interchange at 4hrs 38min, which meant I was now losing quite a bit of time. The main problem was a buttock issue. When you have no handlebars and a cadence of over 160rpm, it starts to hurt after 60km. Luckily I had one of the best seats made for unicycling, which helped a lot, but not quite enough. I needed to stop every 20min to reperfuse the buttocks, and later it became every 5min.
Anyway, I was still surprised to be ahead of Bryan at the relay interchange, so I focused on getting to Kuratau Hill before Eric with fresh legs would come past. Kuratau Hill was my favourite climb this year. With a super lightweight unicycle I was spinning my way past long lines of bikes. It was also a chance to relieve pressure points because of the increased pedaling resistance.
Once over Kuratau it was getting somewhat more painful. This is the longest flat section which would be perfect for spinning at 20+km/hr…if only I was able to sit down! I had a saddle sore the size of my thumb on each butt cheek. With no lack of encouragement from passing bicyclists, the best I could manage in return was a grimace disguised as a crazy grin. By the time we could see the Lake, I was spending a large amount of time on the side of the road. At least it was a pretty view!
Anyway, to cut a long grind short, I made it to the final big climb of the day, Hatepe Hill, which I had also been looking forward to. Unfortunately, I blew out my tyre at the bottom, and had forgotten to pack tyre levers. After some struggling and cursing to get the tyre off, I managed to borrow a tyre lever from another rider, and got my new tube and wheel back in place, a little annoyed at wasting 30min for a simple tube change.
After riding over Hatepe, it was a slow and painful descent to the final 15km straight. I bonked at the top, but still had enough almond peanut slabs in my camelbak to top up the tank.
The wind started picking up at this point, but didn’t affect the smaller unicycle nearly as much as a 36″. I made the final turn into Taupo and spun my way to the finish line in 11hrs 36min. A bit disappointed at not going under 10hrs when I was on track for the first half of the race, but glad to have finished.
As a consolation…I was passed out in the food tent when they called out my number for one of the major spot prizes at this years challenge, a $25,000 Spa Pool. Could have done with a soak in the spa then, but it was empty!
Thanks you Wright Spa Pools for such an amazing prize!
Karapoti Classic 2013
There are very few races I can’t bear to miss, and the Karapoti Classic is one of them. The 50km race in Upper Hutt, New Zealand, is the Southern Hemispheres longest running mountainbike event, and one of the toughest, with three massive climbs, nasty rocks, shoe eating bogs, ruts, river crossings, slippery singletrack, and did I mention rocks? It is also the the world’s longest running Muni race, with a unicycle category since 2003. For someone who grew up in Wellington, Karapoti is part of local mountainbike folklore! I now live in Australia, but have been flying back every year to do this race.
I came into this year’s race hoping to beat my personal best of 4hrs 11min, set in 2005. The course was the driest I’d seen in 18yrs of racing Karapoti, a stark contrast to last years ‘weather bomb’, which forced a postponement of the race. Hoping to beat my unicycle PB, I chose my Triton 26” Schlumpf, complete with hydraulic brakes, two gears, a titanium frame and a very special NNC Flatfish carbon seat. Quite a contrast to the no-gears, no-brakes, steel 29’er I used in 2005. Joining me this year was local rider Tim Armstrong from Upper Hutt, and Sam Lancaster–Robertson from Auckland, our youngest ever Karapoti unicyclist at 17 (born the year I did my first Karapoti!)
3-2-1…go! The traditional scramble across a raging river was fairly tame this year, with the Akatarawa river as low as I’d ever seen it. Still worth taking care and not dunking yourself at the start of a race though! Once on the other side, it was a 2km ride up the road to the start of Karapoti Gorge. This is where high gear comes in most handy. I kicked the Schlumpf into 1.5 mode and cruised with the rest of the ‘special category’ classes- a mix of singlespeed, tandem, cyclocross, and retro bikes. Tim and Sam were riding ungeared 29″ and 26″ unicycles respectively, so would have to make up time on the climbs.
I hit the gravel singeltrack of Karapoti Gorge and was pleased to see it drier than most years, and able to be ridden in high gear. The cadence was slower, but I felt I was making good time on the Karapoti record. At the start of the warmup climb, I was 10min ahead of my usual splits…so kept telling myself: ‘don’t stuff this up’! It could be a record year, as the legs were feeling good. After the ‘warm-up’ climb, the real climbing begins, on the never-ending grind up to Deadwood, which also happens to be what your legs feel like at the top. This is where unicycles comes in handy. Being more compact, but not necessarily lighter (despite all the carbon and titanium, the geared hub is a tank), I pass dozens of riders pushing their way up.
After Deadwood came the infamous rock garden- so named because of the boulder sized rocks and steep drop-offs which threaten to destroy your machine, never mind the person on top. Here is footage of the 2013 Rock Garden, with Sam Lancaster-Robertson riding the final section around the 4min mark:
At the end of the rock garden, the track turned skyward in what is known as the Devils Staircase, with parts so steep you’re scrambling on all fours. Luckily, this year was fairly dry, which meant no one sliding back down toward you, and their bike landing on your head.
The drink station at the top was welcome relief. After grabbing a handful of jet planes and jelly snakes, which everyone had dunked their grubby mitts into (who cares about hygiene), it was off down the 10km long ‘Big Ring Boulevard’. Not quite a big ring, but I flicked the unicycle into high gear, doing my best to avoid loose off-camber sections and ruts which made this section deceptively difficult. Riders were scattered along the track fixing punctures from high speed impacts.
I cranked along in high gear until both legs cramped, and I ended up on the side of the track for 5min, with another rider straightening my feet. The added torque was taking its toll, and I kicked myself for not fitting a handlebar for extra leverage. I was starting to lose time, and I wasn’t happy about it, so went back into low gear to spin off some of the lactate.
Something still wasn’t right. I blamed fatigue for a couple of missed shifts, then my Schlumpf suddenly went into freewheel and I hit the dirt hard! After checking all limbs were intact, I looked down to find the cranks had worked loose and disengaged the Schlumpf gear. Not good. After faffing around for several minutes with shifter buttons, I hear Tim Armstrong whizzing by: ‘are you ok?’
During that incident my watch had ripped off, but after a cursory look, I had to get back on the Uni to try to catch Tim, which I did just before the start of the the Pram Track- arguably the toughest climb of Karapoti. I decided to powerwalk….it was faster than riding after what my legs had been through. Trying to keep Tim in sight however, was impossible, as he flew up the track as fast as his legs would take him. I don’t think I have ever seen someone disappear up the pram track as fast as he did. The race was now on, as most of the time would be made on the climbs.
When we hit the top, Tim was nowhere in sight, and without my watch I couldn’t keep track of race time. On the other hand, taking risks down Dopers Hill is not something you want to do, with the steepest part of Karapoti to come. At the bottom of Dopers, a track official said Tim was just a minute ahead, so I cranked back into high gear and pedaled as hard as I could. I caught sight of him just before the start of the Karapoti Gorge, and upped the pace some more, only to wipe myself out again. I took it fairly gingerly down the Gorge after that, but managed to catch Tim again halfway down. This was the home straight, so I enjoyed the last rocky single-track and eased my way down the road to the finish.
After another river crossing (I cramped in the middle and ended up swimming), and it was up the finishing shute and across the line in 4hrs36min. Not anywhere close to the record, but happy to finish. Tim rolled across the line a few minutes later in 4hrs39min, and Sam completed his first ever Karapoti in 5hrs3min, not a bad effort!
Samuel Johnson to ride around Australia
Australian actor Samuel Johnson is preparing to unicycle 15,000km around Australia in an attempt to break Lars Clausens Guinness World Record and raise $1m dollars for cancer research. Follow his journey on
He leaves on the epic journey on the 15 Feb, and is expected to take up to 12 months to complete.
Good luck Samuel!
Unistan: The Uzbekistan Unicycle Tour Oct 2013 registrations open
Hi everyone,
Tour dates are finalised: 21 October 2013 (Day 1) to 1 November 2013 (Day 12)
Registrations for Unistan are now open, and will remain open until 1 June 2013, or when we fill all 20 spots. For more information, check out the Unistan website:
If you haven’t received an email update from me, then you’re not on the mailing list.
Please contact me via the contact form on this website and I’ll send you the registration form.
UNICON 16 Video
A beautiful video by Nicola Cassanelli showing some highlights of UNICON 16, the 16th Unicycle World Championships and Convention, held in Brixen, Northern Italy last week.
Announcing…Unistan 2013: The Uzbekistan Unicycle Tour
Our next unicycle tour gets even more exotic as we take to Uzbekistan, and explore ancient cities along the Silk Road.
We will cycle 400km from Tashkent to Samarkand in October 2013 (dates to be fixed). Cost of the tour is US$1990. Includes food, support crew, accomodation (partly camping).
More information including our route is on >>Grasshopper Adventures<<
If you are interested in coming, get in touch with us using the contact form on this website.