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Unipal: Day 12 Pokhara

The extended tour flew out of Pokhara early in the morning, while most of us were still asleep.   For those who stayed, Pokhara is a great place for picking up last minute shopping, enjoying the lake views, good food, and walking along the lake shore.  We had transferred to another hotel which, whilst not as flash as the one we had stayed in, was on the waterfront and had beautiful views across Lake Phewa, with buffalos in foreground.

Anna and I hired a boat and paddled out on the Lake with a very small paddle!

The next morning our group of Italians- Natascia, Nicola, Gaetano, Margherita, as well as Anna hike up the hill to watch the sunrise.  It took much longer than expected but they made it back to the hotel just in nick of time for breakfast.

After packing, we would be flying to Kathmandu to spend a few hours with the Joshi family before heading back to New Zealand.

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