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Canvastown to Wakefield 81km

I was up early for an enormous breakfast at The Trout Hotel where I was staying…they certainly know how to feed hungry unicyclists!

There was a little bit of road riding to Pelorus. I’m very glad I swapped the orange Macpac bag cover for a fluoro yellow reflective Oxford cover when I was in Wellington. Paired with my Knog cobbler backlight, it certainly felt safer on the road.

After Pelorus bridge the TA took us up the Maungatapu track. On our course notes, it’s one big pointy hill which takes us from near sea level to 740m. The climb that fills many TA riders with dread. 

The first part was pleasant 4WD gravel, but then it went straight UP for the final 12km. Most riders push a good portion of this, which is an advantage for unicyclists.
I got to the top at the Maungatapu Saddle before the other TA riders, took the control point photo, then swapped to longer 125mm cranks for the ride down. It was as rocky and loose going down as on the way up, so required a lot of effort again. I am not riding with a brake, but this is one downhill where it would be useful. 

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It wasn’t until the lower portion of the track at the Maitai Valley that it became smoother. I swapped back to short 100mm cranks to get my speed up. At that point I was joined by a former TA rider, Margot, and then a local unicyclist, Steve, who rode with me into Nelson. 
After a pie and chocolate milk stop (*chocolate milk is an amazing energy drink- something I discovered on TA), Margot guided me to Richmond, where I met another unicyclist, Julian, and wife Yvonne, who rode with me to Brightwater. It was great having company most of my way through Nelson/Richmond!

I completed my ride in Wakefield, an 81km day. Shower, dinner, wash clothes, charge lights/phone, blog then bed. It’s a big day tomorrow- I will be aiming to get to Murchison (128km).


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