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Taumaranui to Whakahoro 65km

Today was rest day of sorts. After two very difficult rides, I thought I’d do just 65km today, and aim for the jet boat transfer tomorrow. 
It doesn’t sound like there will be many shops for the next two days, so I stocked up and made some calorie bombs. Basically it’s an English muffin with huge dollop of peanut butter and jam (heaped tablespoon) so there is more filling than there is bread.  

My legs were stiff from yesterday’s 14hr ride, so I tried a light spin to free up the muscles. Today was basically one big climb, then one big downhill, mostly on gravel roads. I met another TA rider travelling in the opposite direction (Bluff to Cape Reinga). Otherwise it was a fairly uneventful ride- there were few cars on these backroads.

I finished the ride at Blue Duck Cafe which has a lodge/cabins. It’s the first day since Poutu landing where I have finished riding before 5pm, and I get to blob out on the couch!

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